Saturday, February 20, 2010


It is my friend Emily's brother's birthday this weekend and so she and her mom asked me to bake a cake for him. They mentioned that he is a huge Jets fan so it seemed like doing a Jets helmet was the way to go!

I had SO much trouble making the mask, the one in the picture was effort number 4 (the first three broke). It ended up being gumpaste covered in fondant to make it thicker. I couldnt make it thicker in gumpaste because I was running out of time and it wouldn't have dried. I wasn't entirely pleased with how it turned out (I even bought a real one to try and use that but it was WAY too big)... But it was certainly a learning experience.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras is just not the same in New England. However, I am inviting a bunch of people over from class for a night of king cake, gumbo and hurricanes! Show them how to party!

And of course, what is a party other than an excuse to make and decorate a cake?!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

"Thursday Cake" - My First Attempt at Modeling Chocolate

I made a cake this past weekend for my friend Sydney's birthday, and as we were eating and celebrating, the girls commented that I should make cakes for every occasion we have. I mentioned that there are so many different techniques I want to try, and just need an excuse, so Emily suggested Thursday as the next occasion to celebrate... thus, "Thursday Cake" has been born... I decided to attempt something I have not yet tried to use... modeling chocolate. It turned out better than expected, but not as great as I hoped. Oh well, that is what practice is for.

And yes, I did eventually clean off the excess powdered sugar. :)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Friday, October 16, 2009

New Adventures...

Massachusetts. I never would have believed that this would be my new home as I embark on my latest adventure... Law School. Having grown up in a world that constantly changed, from Colorado to Central America, every new place has shown me new people, new cultures, and (perhaps best of all) new food! It took me until my freshman year of college to realize how much I enjoyed being in the kitchen. It was the only place that made the rest of the world stop, and let me slip from the frustrations of textbooks and study groups into the lovely world of measuring cups and springform pans.

So here I am, ready to begin yet another challenge inside an adventure. Teaching myself to be a better baker and cook, while studying to become a child advocacy attorney. Cookies and children... seems like a good fit to me.